Redemption Process:
Process for Registration of the voucher
Step-1: You need to visit
Step-2: Go to the voucher registration tab & register the voucher to get authentication code along by entering the following details such as Voucher Code, Name, Mobile Number, Email ID, City Name, Store Name, Invoice Number, Invoice Date, and No. of Products Purchased along with copy of the invoice. In case of a manual bill Warranty card or Online warranty registration confirmation (not required for printed bills)
Step-3: On successful verification with 48 business hours of submission of registration formalities the customer will receive a confirmation code on their registered mobile number/email id.
Process for Redemption of the voucher
Once the authentication code is received by the customer on the registered mobile/e-mail ID
Step-1: You need to visit
Click on the Booking Tab
Step-2: Use the authentication code and enter traveller details (Name, Date of Birth, and Government Issued ID Proof Number, Valid - PAN Card, Aadhar Card, Passport, (2 choice of flights) along with the date of travel (2 different choices of dates)
Step-3: On successful submission the Customer will receive an email /SMS within 7 working days with an online payment link on the registered mobile no. / e-mail ID where the Customer has to visit and make the payment towards Taxes & processing charges.
Important Dates
Offer Duration 1st April 2022 – 30th June, 2022
Redemption Period between 1st May 2022 - 30th September 2022
Blackout date : 3rd May (Idul Fitr), 16th May (Buddha Purnima), 9th to 11th July (Bakrid Weekend), 11th Aug (Raksha Bandhan), 13th to 15th Aug (Independence Day Weekend), 18th – 20th Aug (Janmashtami Weekend), 1st Sep (Ganesh Chaturthi Holiday)
The last Date for Registration of voucher shall be on or before 31st July 2022
The last date for flight booking requests shall be on or before 20st August 2022
The last Date to travel will be 30th September 2022
30 Days advance booking is mandatory (Gap between the date of request & 1st date option post voucher registration)
10 days gap between 1st date option & 2nd date option